Influencers = ROI on Roller Skates

Despite almost 45% of the world being on social media, few have the inclination to humour a volley of messages from brands and although COVID -19 has kept people indoors and created a readymade captive audience glued to some screen or the other, it is not helping. Given a choice they will skip it all.

Here’s where influencers come in to cajole your TG and invariably their reach is way more than some of the most extravagant campaigns.

Technology Enabling ROI

Know where your money is

AI and Data helps quantify the value of each and every post in your campaign. Additionally they ensure that the influencers are genuine and worth taking onboard. Viral Squad calculates EMV (earned media value) and ROI, analyses your CPI (cost per impression) and CPE (cost per engagement).

Reach the right influencer

Viral Squad uses AI and Data to find the perfect influencer for your brand which leads to reaching the right TG and getting better ROI. Did you know, 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers go by influencer recommendations over traditional celebrities?

Course correct a campaign

Viral Squad believes in observing and learning from the level of reach, engagement and interactions a campaign receives. All campaigns are dynamic and if need be strategies are tweaked for better results.

Get results and track campaigns, real-time

Get real time KPIs and insights to check influencer performance across social media platform like demographic data, earned media value (EMV), impressions, clicks, views, reach et al. and a synopsis of all the media engagements across platforms.

What We Do In A Nutshell


Identify, vet and hand-pick talent on social media

Network of Influencers

Leverage our established equation with our network of Influencers across categories

Negotiating Influencers

Free you of the hassles of negotiating influencer contracts

Data Tracking

Track campaign performance data to optimise ROI

Creativity and strategy

Develop and craft customised influencer campaigns (creative and strategy)

Communication management

Manage daily tasks and communication

Viral Squad: An ROI Catalyst For Your Brand.

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